Elaine’s previous experience and inspiration:
Briefing meetings for day care providers and childminders, the meetings took place on a regular meeting monthly to support Ofsted pre- registration and inspection process. Providing information, advice and support on early years’ foundation stage, health and safety, planning, environmental health, fire regulations.
Delivered information sessions to head teachers and school governors on the process and requirements towards the transition to become a children’s centre.
Developed and delivered accredited training courses for childminders – Introducing Childminding Practice, the 6-week course supported the development towards registration and provided underpinning knowledge towards the requirements for registration.
Provided support workshops for NVQ level 2 and 3 students, offering individual support to help with the completion of course work towards unit submission.
I have also provided a small information session on safe-guarding children at my church.
Elaine Leonie Green
I am a mother, grandmother and early years professional. I am currently in the process of setting up a community interest company, to support parents/carers with their children’s early communication and language skills. The sessions I plan to undertake are for chair exercises for women. The sessions will take place fortnightly, EVERY Other Monday (1st and 3rd week) monthly at 2.15 -2.45: commencing Monday 20th July 2020.